Gallery Some nice pictures we’ve taken over the years in the nursery or nearby in The Bronx A lot of figs to pick at once Wineberries Linden Flowers Albizia / Mimosa Flowers Chestnuts Sowed chestnuts in airprune box Digging up honeylocusts for shipping Bronx Native Cactus – Opuntia Humifusa Nursery Pizza Oven Dormant winter Reka blueberries Baby opossum visitor we named Fred Squirrel stealing planted shellbark hickory nuts. Probably the biggest he’s ever had Sprouting shellbark hickory nuts Reka june bearing blueberry plants Successful trials of apple grafts Cleaned and disinfected fig tree cuttings Crushed grapes beginning fermentation Pressed grapes left with marc Bubbling wine Great black walnut tree in The Bronx Found tennis ball next to same sized black walnut nut Processing black walnuts Drying black walnuts Sprouting acorns planted More acorns planted Shagbark hickory nuts harvested Autumn olive berries Newly airlayered fig tree Airlayers set on fig tree sprouts Honey locust seedlings in air prune box Organizing family shed hanging tools on walls Collected bagged leaves from neighbors and turned them into soil Rented trailer to purchase bulk compost for nursery Trialing fig pops to get awesome roots 2024 Garlic harvest starting to cure This is what happens when you plant garlic upside down Plants securely packaged to handle shipping